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Over 90%+ of pre-dental students used DATBooster this past year. 
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DATBooster was proudly used by 90% of pre-dental students this past year. Below is a snippet of what students say about DATBooster.
DAT Booster is, hands down, the most representative resource for what is on today’s DAT. It will give you the edge you need to ace this exam.I used DAT Booster right when it came out to study for the DAT in conjunction with another prep program. Adding this program to my study regimen was easily the best decision I could have made. I spent 11 weeks preparing for the DAT, and Booster’s practice exams were by far the most representative of the material tested on the real thing. Additionally, their biology videos and study materials helped me score a 26 in Biology, which is notoriously the most challenging section on the DAT. Students choosing to study with DAT Booster now have even more resources available to them than I had through this fantastic program, putting them at a significant advantage on test day.
Reviewer Kendra Domotor photo
Kendra Domotor25 AA
I strongly recommend DATBooster to anyone who wants to walk into the DAT test room confident that they’re prepared to achieve a high score. I am forever grateful that I chose DATBooster to reach my goal and become ready to apply for dental school.After failing to matriculate into a dental school in my first cycle, I had to retake the DAT after my 24 AA DAT score expired. Not only did I have to retake the test, I had to prove to schools that I can earn a 24 AA again if not higher. Therefore, I planned on doing a similar study plan as before but to also include an additional study component to aim for a higher score. I chose DATBooster for its affordable price, but I was amazed by the quality of content it provided me.I followed DATBooster’s 10 week study guide religiously and created my own Anki decks for the science subjects to do everyday. I definitely took advantage of the program’s Anki tips, which I owe much of my success in the science sections to. As someone who’s taken the DAT before, I was surprised to see how similar DATBooster’s practice tests and questions are to the actual DAT. This was only reinforced after taking the DAT my second time, where I scored a higher AA of 26 because I was so comfortable and confident with every question I faced.I strongly recommend DATBooster to anyone who wants to walk into the DAT test room confident that they’re prepared to achieve a high score. I am forever grateful that I chose DATBooster to reach my goal and become ready to apply for dental school.
Reviewer Michelle Nguyen photo
Michelle Nguyen26 AA
DATBooster is hands down the best, and most affordable resource there is. Trust me when I say their practice test questions can’t be beat, the proof is in my scores!Taking the DAT for the first time, I wanted to pick the best possible resource, and I am so glad I went with DATBooster. I studied for 70 days, following the DATBooster study schedule for the first month, to stay on track of relearning material to prepare for practice tests. After the first month I dove right into practice questions and practice tests. I used these practice tests as a learning tool as I continued to prepare over the next month. Using the practice tests to learn as I go was ultimately a strategy that paid off because on my real DAT, it just felt like another DATBooster test! I can’t stress how representative the DATBooster practice tests are, and I mean it!I also attended their Biology and QR crash courses which were just spot on and worth the price if you ask me. Everything Feralis said that was going to be asked about in the Biology portion absolutely was! The crash courses really allowed me to focus my studies and elevated some anxiety.DATBooster is hands down the best, and most affordable resource there is. Trust me when I say their practice test questions can’t be beat, the proof is in my scores!
Reviewer Katie Borshov photo
Katie Borshov22 AA
Honestly, I don’t think there’s another prep resource that comes close to the quality of DATBooster. The people are quick to help you in case you have any questions or in case any problems arise.I strongly encourage anyone who wants to do well on the DAT to subscribe to DATBooster. I knew I needed to score high on the DAT to be a competitive applicant. I needed to outweigh my low GPA (I didn’t want to be a dentist until after I graduated college, so I didn’t really care about my grades.) so I was under a lot of pressure. I don’t think I would have been able to perform as well without the aid of this prep material. I only used DATBooster for around three weeks and scored as well as I did, granted I was lucky my test had easier questions. If I got a 26 in three weeks, just imagine what you could get in more time!When I first started studying for the DAT, I used a different resource that included only challenging practice problems meant to basically tear me down and force me to learn the material. I did this for five to six weeks. When I was three weeks away from test date, I felt unprepared so I reached out to the nice people at DATBooster and they offered me a one month subscription. I wish I had switched over sooner!I only did the ten practice exams for subjects I felt more uncomfortable in, and for the other subjects, I only did around half. The problems the people at DATBooster came up with were more challenging than the actual DAT, but not too hard to where they were not representative. I feel like the concepts and questions coveted are extremely representative. I didn’t fully utilize the resources DATBooster has, but if I had more time, I definitely would’ve used more than just practice problems.Honestly, I don’t think there’s another prep resource that comes close to the quality of DATBooster. The people are quick to help you in case you have any questions or in case any problems arise. You also cannot beat the value of DATBooster, as it is much more affordable than other prep resources.
Reviewer Linh Bach photo
Linh Bach26 AA
I recommend DAT Booster for anyone studying for the DAT, as I believe it was crucial for me in getting the scores that I wanted!Although I struggled in biology in particular, the Feralis Biology Notes and practice exams prepared me well for the biology section. The practice exams were very representative of the real DAT, which definitely helped me get the score that I did. DATBooster also helped me prepare for the other sections of the DAT, through its comprehensive collection of videos, practice questions, and notes. The explanations were very helpful to my understanding, and the DATBooster team was also very responsive to any of my questions. I recommend DATBooster for anyone studying for the DAT, as I believe it was crucial for me in getting the scores that I wanted!
Reviewer Kevin Tao photo
Kevin Tao28 AA
DATBooster gave me an advantage over students who used other prep companies/resources.DATBooster was an excellent DAT preparation resource for me. The multifaceted approach DATBooster provides was exactly what I needed to maximize my DAT scores. Their vast and high-yield question banks, comprehensive content review, well-crafted study schedule, and other resources such as tons of general information on the DAT and dental school, test-taking techniques, and a study guide group were all critical resources in achieving a high score. Their giant banks of practice problems were incredibly representative of actual questions on the DAT, and the wording and question styles were also spot on. After taking practice tests, the explanations of problems were well-written and essential in helping me learn from my mistakes. The PAT generators were a life-saving resource, allowing me to practice weaknesses I had as much as I wanted until I improved my skills and gained confidence. DATBooster also provides all the content review necessary for every section of the DAT, and they break the information down to make it quick to learn and easily digestible.I could tell DATBooster was committed to keeping content new and relevant, as they put out several helpful updates to their program while I was studying. This is not something that many other programs do. I felt that DATBooster gave me an advantage over students who used other prep companies/resources, and the best part is that it’s much cheaper than comparable prep programs! Thank you DATBooster for providing an incredible DAT prep program that allowed me to attain scores I could barely dream of achieving.
Reviewer Nicholas Aney photo
Nicholas Aney28 AA
I can say that DATBooster is the most up-to-date and high-yield resource available! I used DATBooster from the beginning of my two-month study regimen, and after taking the DAT, I can say that DATBooster is the most up-to-date and high-yield resource available. What particularly helped was the Feralis Anki deck, which allowed me to review all of the most high-yield biology information each day. Another strong suit of DATBooster is their stellar PAT tests, generators, and explanations. DATBooster offers the most challenging PAT prep on the market—much more difficult than anything on the actual exam. However, I believe this made me much stronger at the PAT, a section I initially struggled with, because on test day, I was able to quickly and confidently answer all of the PAT questions. The statistics provided with each question, which, in addition to the projected scores, allowed me to see how my performance stacked up against other students preparing for the DAT—another benefit of DATBooster.
Reviewer Michael Troka photo
Michael Troka27 AA
DATBooster is a great resource that was key to achieving my DAT score, and ultimately getting into my first choice dental school – Harvard School of Dental Medicine!I used the Feralis Bio notes to prepare for the biology section, and they were clearly very representative of the test material because I was able to earn a 30 in the biology section. The practice tests were also key to my success – I found them to be very representative of the material I saw on test day. DATBooster is a great resource that was key to achieving my DAT score, and ultimately getting into my first choice dental school – HSDM! Thanks to the DATBooster team for creating and maintaining such a great resource.
Reviewer Mia Vaida photo
Mia Vaida26 AA
DATBooster was the sole reason I got to overcome my procrastination and put my best foot forward.With Booster’s study schedule, it helped me organize my study schedule around the classes I was taking during the time of my exam. It also provided the best comprehensive questions and I would like to say that most of the questions were high yield on the actual examination. With its package deal with practice tests, videos, and questions, I was able to confidently go into my exam, and come out with a smile. At first, I realized I had wasted so much time into studying all the wrong things, and after rescheduling, I figured out DATBooster would help me get to the scores I wanted. Even though I felt like I was doing mediocre on the practice tests, on the actual exam, I was confident on how DATBooster prepared me for everything that was possible to show up on the test. I would put my highest recommendation to this service, because it proved that I can learn so much material in such little time and still feel confident while going into the actual exam.
Reviewer Herschel Patel photo
Herschel Patel26 AA
DATBooster’s thorough program instilled confidence in my PAT abilities, helping me earn a 25 on the section. I am incredibly grateful for the help DATBooster gave me overall in my study process.When researching DAT study methods, I stumbled upon DATBooster, and I’m glad that I did. The resources provided by the program were instrumental in my success on the DAT. My favorite element of DATBooster’s educational material was the assistance it gave me on the PAT section.Before beginning to study, no section intimidated me more than perceptual ability. All of the other sections were at least rooted in subjects I studied in school, but PAT was unlike anything I had ever seen before. However, DATBooster helped break down the section in a way that overcame my fear. The numerous strategies provided per section gave me the tools I needed to conquer each question type. The 3D models helped me fully understand the given shapes and learn from my mistakes. This unique feature was imperative in my learning process.DATBooster’s thorough program instilled confidence in my PAT abilities, helping me earn a 25 on the section. I am incredibly grateful for the help DATBooster gave me overall in my study process. I would not have been able to earn the scores that I did without their help.
Reviewer Stephanie Moga photo
Stephanie Moga23 AA
The difference DATBooster made in my life was night and day. If you are considering using DATBooster, I can guarantee you it is the right decision.The first time I took the DAT, I went into it with complete fear and dread. I even pushed it back twice and still was a panicked wreck on test day. My scores reflected this, as I barely scored an 18 AA that day. Self-doubt and disappointment consumed me for days afterwards, and I honestly wondered if I was cut out for dental school. After taking some time to reflect, I decided to change my study tools and retake the test 3 months later. I have wanted to be a dentist as early as the fifth grade, and I knew there had to be resources out there that would drastically change my experience the second time around.I chose DATBooster as my main study source the second time around, and I am beyond happy that I did. I scored a 23 AA, with a TS of 24. My reading comprehension increased by four points. My biology score increased by SEVEN points. My general chemistry score increased by EIGHT points. The difference DATBooster made in my life was night and day. If you are considering using DATBooster, I can guarantee you it is the right decision. The material can seem daunting, especially the broadness of the biology content, but DATBooster condenses the information to cover what you need to know without leaving other content out. Furthermore, if you are someone that struggles with detailed concepts in chemistry, this program simplifies it in a way that allows you to understand it over time and build a strong foundation, rather than just memorizing certain formulas and types of problems.I could go on and on, but if there is anything you must know, it’s that this program is extremely up to date and representative of the DAT’s current content. After applying to 12 dental schools, I received 8 interviews, with 5 of them resulting in acceptances and 2 of them offering waitlist positions. I have strongly recommended this program to both my friends and co-workers who are taking this test, and I continue to recommend it to this day. I am so grateful for DATbooster and could not have gotten here without them.
Reviewer Marissa Cabrera photo
Marissa Cabrera23 AA
Having prepared for this test two times and tried multiple resources, I am confident that DATBooster is the best, most representative resource available today.As someone who was retaking my DAT, it was very important for me to pick the best study resource to ensure that I would get the scores that I needed. I picked DATBooster because of all the phenomenal things people said about it online and at my university. This ended up being the best decision I could have made for my DAT preparation. I followed the 12-week study guide, which told me exactly what I needed to do each day, which made it easy for me to spend my time actually studying instead of planning my study schedule.Being out of school for over a year made it imperative for me to re-establish my foundation in the sciences before taking my exam. The video content on DATBooster was concise, easy to follow, and allowed me to master each subject in the scope of the DAT. I feel like the content in DATBooster taught everything I needed to know for the DAT and I did not waste time teaching details and concepts that would not appear on the exam.The practice exams and extra questions were excellent, and after having taken the exam, I can say that these exams felt exactly like an actual DAT exam. The written and video solutions are very detailed and walk you through each step of the problem in an understandable way. If I ever had any further questions, all I had to do was open a chat with a tutor. The tutors were very friendly and always had an answer to my questions.Having prepared for this test two times and tried multiple resources, I am confident that DATBooster is the best, most representative resource available today. I was able to increase my AA by 4 points, my TS by 9 points, and my PAT (my worst section) by 8 points. If you’re looking for the best DAT prep resource, your search ends with DATBooster. I cannot recommend this resource enough for any pre-dental student.
Reviewer Ameer Hassouna photo
Ameer Hassouna26 AA
DAT Booster is, hands down, the most representative resource for what is on today’s DAT. It will give you the edge you need to ace this exam.I used DAT Booster right when it came out to study for the DAT in conjunction with another prep program. Adding this program to my study regimen was easily the best decision I could have made. I spent 11 weeks preparing for the DAT, and Booster’s practice exams were by far the most representative of the material tested on the real thing. Additionally, their biology videos and study materials helped me score a 26 in Biology, which is notoriously the most challenging section on the DAT. Students choosing to study with DAT Booster now have even more resources available to them than I had through this fantastic program, putting them at a significant advantage on test day.
Reviewer Kendra Domotor photo
Kendra Domotor25 AA
I can say that DATBooster is the most up-to-date and high-yield resource available! I used DATBooster from the beginning of my two-month study regimen, and after taking the DAT, I can say that DATBooster is the most up-to-date and high-yield resource available. What particularly helped was the Feralis Anki deck, which allowed me to review all of the most high-yield biology information each day. Another strong suit of DATBooster is their stellar PAT tests, generators, and explanations. DATBooster offers the most challenging PAT prep on the market—much more difficult than anything on the actual exam. However, I believe this made me much stronger at the PAT, a section I initially struggled with, because on test day, I was able to quickly and confidently answer all of the PAT questions. The statistics provided with each question, which, in addition to the projected scores, allowed me to see how my performance stacked up against other students preparing for the DAT—another benefit of DATBooster.
Reviewer Michael Troka photo
Michael Troka27 AA
I strongly recommend DATBooster to anyone who wants to walk into the DAT test room confident that they’re prepared to achieve a high score. I am forever grateful that I chose DATBooster to reach my goal and become ready to apply for dental school.After failing to matriculate into a dental school in my first cycle, I had to retake the DAT after my 24 AA DAT score expired. Not only did I have to retake the test, I had to prove to schools that I can earn a 24 AA again if not higher. Therefore, I planned on doing a similar study plan as before but to also include an additional study component to aim for a higher score. I chose DATBooster for its affordable price, but I was amazed by the quality of content it provided me.I followed DATBooster’s 10 week study guide religiously and created my own Anki decks for the science subjects to do everyday. I definitely took advantage of the program’s Anki tips, which I owe much of my success in the science sections to. As someone who’s taken the DAT before, I was surprised to see how similar DATBooster’s practice tests and questions are to the actual DAT. This was only reinforced after taking the DAT my second time, where I scored a higher AA of 26 because I was so comfortable and confident with every question I faced.I strongly recommend DATBooster to anyone who wants to walk into the DAT test room confident that they’re prepared to achieve a high score. I am forever grateful that I chose DATBooster to reach my goal and become ready to apply for dental school.
Reviewer Michelle Nguyen photo
Michelle Nguyen26 AA
DATBooster is a great resource that was key to achieving my DAT score, and ultimately getting into my first choice dental school – Harvard School of Dental Medicine!I used the Feralis Bio notes to prepare for the biology section, and they were clearly very representative of the test material because I was able to earn a 30 in the biology section. The practice tests were also key to my success – I found them to be very representative of the material I saw on test day. DATBooster is a great resource that was key to achieving my DAT score, and ultimately getting into my first choice dental school – HSDM! Thanks to the DATBooster team for creating and maintaining such a great resource.
Reviewer Mia Vaida photo
Mia Vaida26 AA
DATBooster is hands down the best, and most affordable resource there is. Trust me when I say their practice test questions can’t be beat, the proof is in my scores!Taking the DAT for the first time, I wanted to pick the best possible resource, and I am so glad I went with DATBooster. I studied for 70 days, following the DATBooster study schedule for the first month, to stay on track of relearning material to prepare for practice tests. After the first month I dove right into practice questions and practice tests. I used these practice tests as a learning tool as I continued to prepare over the next month. Using the practice tests to learn as I go was ultimately a strategy that paid off because on my real DAT, it just felt like another DATBooster test! I can’t stress how representative the DATBooster practice tests are, and I mean it!I also attended their Biology and QR crash courses which were just spot on and worth the price if you ask me. Everything Feralis said that was going to be asked about in the Biology portion absolutely was! The crash courses really allowed me to focus my studies and elevated some anxiety.DATBooster is hands down the best, and most affordable resource there is. Trust me when I say their practice test questions can’t be beat, the proof is in my scores!
Reviewer Katie Borshov photo
Katie Borshov22 AA
DATBooster was the sole reason I got to overcome my procrastination and put my best foot forward.With Booster’s study schedule, it helped me organize my study schedule around the classes I was taking during the time of my exam. It also provided the best comprehensive questions and I would like to say that most of the questions were high yield on the actual examination. With its package deal with practice tests, videos, and questions, I was able to confidently go into my exam, and come out with a smile. At first, I realized I had wasted so much time into studying all the wrong things, and after rescheduling, I figured out DATBooster would help me get to the scores I wanted. Even though I felt like I was doing mediocre on the practice tests, on the actual exam, I was confident on how DATBooster prepared me for everything that was possible to show up on the test. I would put my highest recommendation to this service, because it proved that I can learn so much material in such little time and still feel confident while going into the actual exam.
Reviewer Herschel Patel photo
Herschel Patel26 AA
Honestly, I don’t think there’s another prep resource that comes close to the quality of DATBooster. The people are quick to help you in case you have any questions or in case any problems arise.I strongly encourage anyone who wants to do well on the DAT to subscribe to DATBooster. I knew I needed to score high on the DAT to be a competitive applicant. I needed to outweigh my low GPA (I didn’t want to be a dentist until after I graduated college, so I didn’t really care about my grades.) so I was under a lot of pressure. I don’t think I would have been able to perform as well without the aid of this prep material. I only used DATBooster for around three weeks and scored as well as I did, granted I was lucky my test had easier questions. If I got a 26 in three weeks, just imagine what you could get in more time!When I first started studying for the DAT, I used a different resource that included only challenging practice problems meant to basically tear me down and force me to learn the material. I did this for five to six weeks. When I was three weeks away from test date, I felt unprepared so I reached out to the nice people at DATBooster and they offered me a one month subscription. I wish I had switched over sooner!I only did the ten practice exams for subjects I felt more uncomfortable in, and for the other subjects, I only did around half. The problems the people at DATBooster came up with were more challenging than the actual DAT, but not too hard to where they were not representative. I feel like the concepts and questions coveted are extremely representative. I didn’t fully utilize the resources DATBooster has, but if I had more time, I definitely would’ve used more than just practice problems.Honestly, I don’t think there’s another prep resource that comes close to the quality of DATBooster. The people are quick to help you in case you have any questions or in case any problems arise. You also cannot beat the value of DATBooster, as it is much more affordable than other prep resources.
Reviewer Linh Bach photo
Linh Bach26 AA
DATBooster’s thorough program instilled confidence in my PAT abilities, helping me earn a 25 on the section. I am incredibly grateful for the help DATBooster gave me overall in my study process.When researching DAT study methods, I stumbled upon DATBooster, and I’m glad that I did. The resources provided by the program were instrumental in my success on the DAT. My favorite element of DATBooster’s educational material was the assistance it gave me on the PAT section.Before beginning to study, no section intimidated me more than perceptual ability. All of the other sections were at least rooted in subjects I studied in school, but PAT was unlike anything I had ever seen before. However, DATBooster helped break down the section in a way that overcame my fear. The numerous strategies provided per section gave me the tools I needed to conquer each question type. The 3D models helped me fully understand the given shapes and learn from my mistakes. This unique feature was imperative in my learning process.DATBooster’s thorough program instilled confidence in my PAT abilities, helping me earn a 25 on the section. I am incredibly grateful for the help DATBooster gave me overall in my study process. I would not have been able to earn the scores that I did without their help.
Reviewer Stephanie Moga photo
Stephanie Moga23 AA
I recommend DAT Booster for anyone studying for the DAT, as I believe it was crucial for me in getting the scores that I wanted!Although I struggled in biology in particular, the Feralis Biology Notes and practice exams prepared me well for the biology section. The practice exams were very representative of the real DAT, which definitely helped me get the score that I did. DATBooster also helped me prepare for the other sections of the DAT, through its comprehensive collection of videos, practice questions, and notes. The explanations were very helpful to my understanding, and the DATBooster team was also very responsive to any of my questions. I recommend DATBooster for anyone studying for the DAT, as I believe it was crucial for me in getting the scores that I wanted!
Reviewer Kevin Tao photo
Kevin Tao28 AA
The difference DATBooster made in my life was night and day. If you are considering using DATBooster, I can guarantee you it is the right decision.The first time I took the DAT, I went into it with complete fear and dread. I even pushed it back twice and still was a panicked wreck on test day. My scores reflected this, as I barely scored an 18 AA that day. Self-doubt and disappointment consumed me for days afterwards, and I honestly wondered if I was cut out for dental school. After taking some time to reflect, I decided to change my study tools and retake the test 3 months later. I have wanted to be a dentist as early as the fifth grade, and I knew there had to be resources out there that would drastically change my experience the second time around.I chose DATBooster as my main study source the second time around, and I am beyond happy that I did. I scored a 23 AA, with a TS of 24. My reading comprehension increased by four points. My biology score increased by SEVEN points. My general chemistry score increased by EIGHT points. The difference DATBooster made in my life was night and day. If you are considering using DATBooster, I can guarantee you it is the right decision. The material can seem daunting, especially the broadness of the biology content, but DATBooster condenses the information to cover what you need to know without leaving other content out. Furthermore, if you are someone that struggles with detailed concepts in chemistry, this program simplifies it in a way that allows you to understand it over time and build a strong foundation, rather than just memorizing certain formulas and types of problems.I could go on and on, but if there is anything you must know, it’s that this program is extremely up to date and representative of the DAT’s current content. After applying to 12 dental schools, I received 8 interviews, with 5 of them resulting in acceptances and 2 of them offering waitlist positions. I have strongly recommended this program to both my friends and co-workers who are taking this test, and I continue to recommend it to this day. I am so grateful for DATbooster and could not have gotten here without them.
Reviewer Marissa Cabrera photo
Marissa Cabrera23 AA
DATBooster gave me an advantage over students who used other prep companies/resources.DATBooster was an excellent DAT preparation resource for me. The multifaceted approach DATBooster provides was exactly what I needed to maximize my DAT scores. Their vast and high-yield question banks, comprehensive content review, well-crafted study schedule, and other resources such as tons of general information on the DAT and dental school, test-taking techniques, and a study guide group were all critical resources in achieving a high score. Their giant banks of practice problems were incredibly representative of actual questions on the DAT, and the wording and question styles were also spot on. After taking practice tests, the explanations of problems were well-written and essential in helping me learn from my mistakes. The PAT generators were a life-saving resource, allowing me to practice weaknesses I had as much as I wanted until I improved my skills and gained confidence. DATBooster also provides all the content review necessary for every section of the DAT, and they break the information down to make it quick to learn and easily digestible.I could tell DATBooster was committed to keeping content new and relevant, as they put out several helpful updates to their program while I was studying. This is not something that many other programs do. I felt that DATBooster gave me an advantage over students who used other prep companies/resources, and the best part is that it’s much cheaper than comparable prep programs! Thank you DATBooster for providing an incredible DAT prep program that allowed me to attain scores I could barely dream of achieving.
Reviewer Nicholas Aney photo
Nicholas Aney28 AA
Having prepared for this test two times and tried multiple resources, I am confident that DATBooster is the best, most representative resource available today.As someone who was retaking my DAT, it was very important for me to pick the best study resource to ensure that I would get the scores that I needed. I picked DATBooster because of all the phenomenal things people said about it online and at my university. This ended up being the best decision I could have made for my DAT preparation. I followed the 12-week study guide, which told me exactly what I needed to do each day, which made it easy for me to spend my time actually studying instead of planning my study schedule.Being out of school for over a year made it imperative for me to re-establish my foundation in the sciences before taking my exam. The video content on DATBooster was concise, easy to follow, and allowed me to master each subject in the scope of the DAT. I feel like the content in DATBooster taught everything I needed to know for the DAT and I did not waste time teaching details and concepts that would not appear on the exam.The practice exams and extra questions were excellent, and after having taken the exam, I can say that these exams felt exactly like an actual DAT exam. The written and video solutions are very detailed and walk you through each step of the problem in an understandable way. If I ever had any further questions, all I had to do was open a chat with a tutor. The tutors were very friendly and always had an answer to my questions.Having prepared for this test two times and tried multiple resources, I am confident that DATBooster is the best, most representative resource available today. I was able to increase my AA by 4 points, my TS by 9 points, and my PAT (my worst section) by 8 points. If you’re looking for the best DAT prep resource, your search ends with DATBooster. I cannot recommend this resource enough for any pre-dental student.
Reviewer Ameer Hassouna photo
Ameer Hassouna26 AA