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11 September, 2023

Testimonial of Deep Patel

Storyteller Deep Patel
Deep Patel
27 AA ● 30 TS

"Overall, I would highly recommend using DATBooster to anyone who wants to do great on their DAT because of their great price and the amount of resources they provide."

I personally thought the real DAT was very similar to DATBooster’s practice tests. On my test, I had multiple questions that were very similar to practice tests. I know that some people struggle with biology, but I think Feralis's biology notes were truly amazing and they gave me all the information I needed to do well in that section. I would also recommend using DATBooster’s chemistry and organic chemistry notes to review as they are very high-yield. For PAT, I think the DATBooster’s videos were amazing because they went straight to the point and helped me understand each category. I also thought that the PAT generators were great practice and doing them every day helped me improve a lot. Reading comprehension and QR were the hardest for me and I initially started out scoring very low. However, after practicing with the extra passages and extra QR practice questions along with the practice test, I was able to improve.

Overall, I would highly recommend using DATBooster to anyone who wants to do great on their DAT because of their great price and the amount of resources they provide.


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Author DATBooster
Booster Prep
DATBooster is the #1 study tool for the DAT and contains everything you need to prepare for the DAT. See why DATBooster is used by most pre-dental students.