Privacy Policy

Last Modified: August 1st, 2024


Booster Prep Inc. ("Company", "we", "us" or "our") respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information through our compliance with this Policy and all applicable privacy laws in the jurisdictions in which we operate.This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes the how we may collect, use, disclose, retain, dispose of and otherwise process (collectively, "process"), and how you may correct, update and access, your personal information that we may collect from you or that you may provide through (a) and related websites (collectively, our "Websites"), and (b) the products, services, applications, software and tools we provide through our Websites (collectively with the Websites, the "Services"). For clarity, any reference to the “Services” includes a reference to any part or aspect of the Services.This Policy does not apply to our employees’ personal information, anonymized information or other information exempted from applicable privacy laws. Unless otherwise specified, this Policy does not apply to the processing of personal information by any third party, including through any application or content (including advertising) that may link to or be accessible from the Websites.This Policy references our Terms of Use available at, and forms an integral part thereof.PLEASE READ THIS POLICY CAREFULLY to understand our policies and practices regarding your personal information and how we will process it. By accessing or using our Websites or Services, or otherwise by choosing to provide us with your personal information, you agree, acknowledge and consent to us processing your personal information in accordance with this Policy and as may be further identified when the personal information is collected. If you do not consent to our processing of your personal information, please do not access or continue to use our any or of our Websites or Services, or otherwise provide any personal information to us.

Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It

For the purposes of this Policy, "personal information" means any information about an identifiable individual or any information that can be used, either alone or in combination with other information, to identify an individual, whether directly or indirectly (for example, an individual’s name, mailing address, telephone number and email address), but excludes any information that is exempted by applicable privacy laws.The types of information we receive and collect depends on how you use our Services. Some of our Services have optional features which, if used, require us to collect additional information to provide such features. You will be notified of such collection, as appropriate. If you choose not to provide the information needed to use a feature, you will be unable to use the feature. For example, a user must provide a valid email address to create an account on our Websites.As a general rule, and unless otherwise permitted by the laws applicable in your jurisdiction of residence, we will only collect, use or disclose your personal information with your consent. You may refuse to provide your consent or notify us at any time that you wish to withdraw or change your consent to the processing of your personal information without penalty by contacting our Privacy Office (see below). However, if you refuse, withdraw or change your consent, we may not be able to provide you with all or part of the Services. Please refer to the section "Privacy Rights and Choices" below for more information on withdrawing consent.Directly Collected Personal InformationWhen you use our Services, we may collect the following personal information from you:
  • Contact information, such as first and last name, email address, mailing address and phone number;
  • Unique identifiers, such as username, account number and password; and
  • Any other information you voluntarily provide through our Services, by phone or by email.
We may collect this personal information when:
  • You register for an account on our Websites;
  • You make purchase through our Websites;
  • You fill out free-form fields on our Websites;
  • You connect with us through social media;
  • You interact with us through the Services;
  • You communicate with us by phone or email; and
  • You otherwise use our Services.
We only collect personal information that we need. We encourage you to not provide us with any personal information beyond what is necessary and as requested by us.Automatically Collected Personal InformationWe, and our third-party partners, may also, where permitted by applicable privacy laws, automatically collect information about you and any computer or device you use to access our Services, read our emails or otherwise engage with us. To the extent required by applicable law, we will only use cookies, trackers and other similar technologies with your consent, which we will obtain at the time of your first visit to our website or when such technology is first used. The information we collect in this manner and, and the means through which we collect it, include:
  • Cookies. When you visit or use the Website, we may send one or more cookies – small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters – to your computer or device that allows us to uniquely identify your browser, computer or device. Cookies allow us to collect standard Internet log information about how and when you access and use our Website, including your IP address, unique device identifiers, location data, weblogs, time zone, date, your language preferences, browser settings and browsers used, web addresses visited, links clicked, other communication data, searches conducted and pages visited. We use cookies for a number of purposes, including to: ensure the Website is optimized for your use and for future communications between you and us; track your preferences you specify while using the Website; assist us to maintain and manage your status as logged in or logged out while you are using the Website; estimate and report our total audience size and traffic; and conduct research to improve our content, products and services. We may also use cookies and other technologies in online advertising campaigns to track responses to our ads. You can withdraw your consent to the use of cookies and manage cookie preferences in your browser’s settings, but please note that if you refuse to allow cookies, you may not be able to use certain features or functionality of our Website.
  • Log Files. We may record log file information each time you access the Website. This information may include information such as: your IP address; browser type; unique device identifiers; information about your computer or device; number of click; how you interact with links, features or functionality on the Website; and other such information.
  • Usage Data. We may also collect information about the way you use our Website and/or Services. For example, the site from which you came and the site to which you are going when you leave our Website, the pages you visit, the links you click on, how frequently you access our Website, whether you open emails or click the links contained in emails, whether you access our Website from multiple devices, last login time, and other actions you take on our Website. We may collect analytics data, or use third-party analytics tools, to help us measure traffic and usage trends for the Website.
  • Google Analytics. We use Google Analytics to help us analyze how visitors use our website. Google Analytics uses cookies and similar technologies to collect and analyze information about use of our Services and to report on activities and trends. Google Analytics may also collect information regarding the use of other websites, apps and online resources. You can learn about Google’s practices by going to, and opt-out by downloading Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on available at
Collection of Information From Third PartiesWe may collect information from third parties if you have consented to such collection or we are authorized or required by applicable laws to do so. For example, we may collect your personal information from the following third parties:
  • Your authorized representative(s);
  • Organization(s) that you previously provided consent to in respect of their processing of your personal information (such as when you interact with us on social media);
  • Publicly available sources.
If we collect your personal information from a third party, we will only process that information for the specific purpose for which it was provided to us in accordance with this Policy and the policy under which it was collected, or as authorized or required by law.Information About MinorsOur Services are intended solely for users who are of the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence. We do not knowingly collect personal information about any minor, and no minor, nor any parent or guardian as it relates to such minor, should provide any of such minor’s personal information to us through the Websites, the Services or otherwise for any reason and under any circumstances. If you are not at least the age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence, do not use, or provide any personal information to us through, our Services or any aspect or features thereof, register for an account on the Websites, make any purchases through the Websites, use any of the interactive features of our Websites. By using our Services you are representing that you are at least the age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence.If you believe that a minor has provided us with personal information without parental consent, please contact us using the contact information provided below and we will work to delete that data from our systems.

Links to Other Sites

Our Websites may contain links to other websites, applications or internet resources ("Third-Party Services") which are provided or made available solely for your convenience and information. When you click on one of those links you are contacting those Third-Party Services. We do not endorse and have no responsibility or liability for, nor control over, those Third-Party Services, their content or their processing of your personal information. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of those Third-Party Services to learn how they process your personal information.

How We Use Your Information

We may process information that we collect about you or that you provide to us, including any personal information, for the following purposes:
  • To verify and authenticate your identity;
  • To operate, maintain and provide to you the Services and all features and functionality of our Websites;
  • To contact you with respect to your purchases or transactions;
  • To provide you with information, products, or services that you request from us, process your questions and/or answer your queries;
  • To provide you with notices about your account, products and services;
  • To ensure that our Websites are optimized for your use and benefit;
  • To analyze user experience and improve our Services;
  • To communicate with you to provide you with information about us (including news releases, newsletters and notices regarding upcoming promotions and events);
  • To solicit feedback from you about your satisfaction and experience with our Services (including through occasional surveys);
  • To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection;
  • To notify you about changes to our Websites or any products or services we offer or provide though them;
  • To comply with internal policies and procedures, and other legal, accounting or security requirements;
  • To protect us, yourself and others from fraud and error, and to safeguard our business interests;
  • To manage or transfer our assets or liabilities (for example, in the case of an acquisition or merger, the provision of security for a credit facility or the change of a supplier of products or services);
  • To fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it; and
  • In any other way we may describe when you provide the information and for which we obtain your consent.
We will not process your personal information for other purposes without your consent, except where authorized or required by law.

Disclosure of Your Information

We will not share your personal information with any third party, except as indicated in this Policy or as authorized or required by law. We may disclose anonymized information about our users, to third parties, to the extent permitted by applicable law.We may disclose personal information that we collect or you provide for the purposes described in this Policy in the following ways:
  • To our subsidiaries and affiliates;
  • To our employees, contractors, and agents on an as-needed basis;
  • To service providers (as discussed below);
  • To law enforcement, government or regulatory bodies, or other lawful authorities, as strictly required by law; and
  • To third parties or other successor, in accordance with applicable law, in connection with a merger, amalgamation, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of all or a substantial portion of our assets or securities, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which such information is among the assets transferred, provided that the disclosed information continues to be used solely for the purposes permitted by this Policy by the third parties acquiring the information.
We may generally share your personal information with our employees, contractors, consultants and other third-party service providers (such as hosting providers, advertising agencies, payment processors or customer service agencies) ("Third-Party Processors") who require this information to assist us with establishing, maintaining and managing our relationship with you, providing products or services, and optimizing and providing our Services for your use and benefit. Please note that we may change or add Third-Party Processors at any time, in our sole discretion, either in Canada or elsewhere. We encourage you to reference this Policy from time to time to obtain updated information.Your personal information may be communicated, stored and processed outside of your province, territory, state or country of residence, in any country where we have facilities or in which we engage Third-Party Processors. You understand that you information will be transferred to countries outside of your place of residence, including the United States, which may have data protection rules that are difference from those of your jurisdiction of residence. Such transfers will only be made in full compliance with all the requirements of applicable privacy laws, and we will ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to ensure that your personal information will receive an adequate degree of protection in the destination jurisdiction.

Data Security

We have implemented reasonable physical, technological and organizational safeguards designed to secure your personal information in our custody and control, and prevent accidental loss and unauthorized access, disclosure, use, copying, alteration, deletion and destruction.We will take reasonable measures, through contractual or other reasonable means, to ensure that our service providers implement a comparable level of protection.The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of our Services, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone.Unfortunately, no method of transmission of information via the internet, or method of electronic storage, is completely secure. As such, although we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot fully guarantee the security of your personal information in our custody or control. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk and you should always exercise caution when disclosing personal information over the internet. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Services.

Privacy Rights and Choices

Accessing Your Personal InformationYou have a right to access your personal information that we hold.Upon your written request, we will provide you with your personal information in our possession or under our control. We will also provide you with information about the ways in which that information is being used and a description of the individuals or organizations to whom that information has been disclosed. Where permitted by applicable law, we may charge you a reasonable fee for doing so.We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your rights to access the information (or to exercise any of your rights). This is another appropriate security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who does not have a right to receive it.Access may be declined where authorized or required by applicable law. If access cannot be provided, we will notify the individual making the request within 30 days, in writing, of the reasons for the refusal.Correcting Your Personal InformationWe will make a reasonable effort to ensure that personal information we are using or disclosing is accurate and complete.If you demonstrate the inaccuracy or incompleteness of personal information, we will amend the information as required. If appropriate, we will send the amended information to third parties to whom the information has been disclosed.If a challenge regarding the accuracy of personal information is not resolved to your satisfaction, we will annotate the personal information in our possession or under our control with a note that the correction as requested but not made.Withdrawing Your ConsentYou have the right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal information, without affecting the lawfulness of processing up until withdrawal. Please note that we may be unable to offer you certain services if you withdraw your consent. Withdrawing your consent does not create an obligation for us to delete personal information which are otherwise authorized or required to retain under applicable law. Depending on the laws in your jurisdiction of residence, your ability to withdraw your consent may be subject to legal, contractual or other restrictions and reasonable notice.

Retention of Your Personal Information

We will delete, destroy, erase or make anonymous documents or other records containing personal information as soon as it is reasonable to assume that the original purpose is no longer being served by retention of the information and retention is no longer required for a legal or business purpose. In certain cases, applicable laws may require us to retain specific records for a set period of time.Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will keep personal information used to make a decision affecting you for at least one year after using it to make the decision.

CASL Policy

We are committed to compliance with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation ("CASL"). Any electronic communication we send to outside parties is protected by a range of business procedures, processes and policies to ensure that such communication is done in compliance with CASL. In our electronic communications with outside parties, we comply with the rules established by CASL and enforced by various Canadian authorities including the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. CASL regulates, and our policies generally apply to, each commercial electronic message (a "CEM") that we send. A CEM is an electronic message sent to an electronic address that, among its purposes, encourages participation in a commercial activity.In addition to adopting and updating this Policy, we undertake various transparency initiatives to ensure we comply with CASL, which include:
  • Consent. We do not send you CEMs without your consent. This consent typically must be “express” (i.e. expressly acknowledged by you), but in certain circumstances can be "implied". In other limited circumstances, consent is not required. We have modified or adopted our sign-up, registration and consent forms in order to ensure that your consent is meaningful (i.e. informed and freely given) as required by CASL. When we collect your electronic contact information, you will know the exact purposes behind the collection.
  • Content. We have adopted processes to ensure that our CEMs contain the following requirements prescribed under CASL, which will usually be in the footer of the CEM. We will:
    • identify ourselves as the party sending the CEM, and whether we are sending the message on our own behalf or on behalf of someone else;
    • provide you with our contact information; and
    • set out a clear, working unsubscribe mechanism or preference centre that is easy to use, automatic, and at no cost to you (other than your own cost of connecting to the Internet).
  • Clarity. We ensure that each aspect of a CEM (including its header, content, or any links or URLs in the CEM) conveys the appropriate information, whether viewed individually or taken as a whole, so that you always know what you are clicking on.
If you receive a CEM from us but believe that you should not have or no longer wish to receive CEMs, we will aim to respect your preferences in a timely manner once you update them through our unsubscribe mechanism. CASL requires us to process unsubscribe requests within 10 business days. If you have any questions or concerns about our unsubscribe mechanisms, you may contact using the contact information provided in below.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

The date this Policy was last revised is identified at the top of this page.We may update this Policy from time to time to ensure ongoing compliance with applicable laws and for any other purpose we deem reasonably necessary. We therefore encourage you to periodically review this Policy to ensure you are aware of any changes.If we make any material changes to this Policy, we will either (a) notify you by email (sent to the email address listed in our records), or (b) provide a notice on our Websites before the change becomes effective. Any change to this Policy will apply to existing information, as well as information collected after the date that this Policy is posted or on the date as specified in the notification. Your continued use of our Services after the effective date of any changes to this Policy is deemed to be acceptance of those changes.If a change to this Policy results in materially different collection, uses or disclosures of your personal information, we will ask you to confirm you consent to such additional processing of your personal information.

Contact Information for Privacy Officer

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our compliance with this Policy and our processing of your personal information, you may contact our Privacy Officer at you are not satisfied with our Privacy Officer's response to you questions or concern, you may be able to file a complaint under applicable privacy laws. Our Privacy Officer will provide you with the contact information to do so if requested.