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12 September, 2024

Testimonial of Tayseer Matariyeh

Storyteller Tayseer Matariyeh
Tayseer Matariyeh
20 AA ● 20 TS

"I am so happy with my results and owe everything to DATBooster!"

I took my DAT in July and got a 20AA using DAT Booster! I loved the amazing interface, the updated biology videos, the cheat sheets, and the notes. I learned Organic Chemistry from scratch using DATBooster's high-yield chemistry videos, and was able to confidently tackle the general chemistry videos by watching the updated videos! When I first started studying I was getting straight 13's in biology, general chemistry, and organic chemistry. After following the study schedule made by DATBooster to a T, I was able to consistently score 20+ in every section, which transferred very well to my actual DAT score. 


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Author DATBooster
Booster Prep
DATBooster is the #1 study tool for the DAT and contains everything you need to prepare for the DAT. See why DATBooster is used by most pre-dental students.