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20 September, 2023

Testimonial of Julienne Halperin

Storyteller Julienne Halperin
Julienne Halperin
26 AA ● 30 TS

I am so proud of my results, but I could not have succeeded as well as I did if it wasn’t for DATBooster. This program has everything you will need to succeed on your DAT!

After taking the DAT twice before (18 AA/19 TS and 19 AA/18 TS using Destroyer/Bootcamp/Romano’s class), I wanted to absolutely make sure that the third time would be the charm. I first heard about DATBooster from a classmate in my master's program, who later became my tutor for the DAT. I trusted him when he said that DATBooster was hands down the best DAT resource there is on the market. In the past, I used DAT Bootcamp, coupled with the DAT Destroyer books, which gave me average scores. After researching DATBooster, reading each of the students’ success stories, and examining the 10-week DATBooster Study Schedule, I felt confident in my decision to make the DATBooster website my new best friend. The cost of DATBooster is unmatchable, the content is unbeatable, and the 24/7 intercom feature was truly so helpful.

I followed the study guide verbatim – making sure I checked every single box off before I finished for the day. This was key to my success. Giving yourself a routine to follow each day and holding yourself accountable is the most important thing when fully committing yourself to reaching your goals. I enjoyed how the study guide included additional study tools that were ~optional~. This helped solidify topics and introduce even more practice questions to add to the 6200+ questions DATBooster provides.

I took all 10 practice tests in a timely manner (thanks to the awesome, well-organized study guide) and even retook them multiple times to make sure I understood why I got a question both right and wrong. About two weeks before my test, I felt a feeling I had not felt the last two times I took it – I felt prepared. When I sat in front of the computer screen in the Prometric Center for the third time, I took a deep breath and powered through each section as if I were in the comfort of my own home, taking another DATBooster practice test.

I am so proud of my results, but I could not have succeeded as well as I did if it wasn’t for DATBooster. This program has everything you will need to succeed on your DAT! Don’t hesitate to pick DATBooster if you want to ace your DAT!

Table of Contents
Author DATBooster
Booster Prep
DATBooster is the #1 study tool for the DAT and contains everything you need to prepare for the DAT. See why DATBooster is used by most pre-dental students.