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20 September, 2023

Testimonial of Taisa Lozada

Storyteller Taisa Lozada
Taisa Lozada
22 AA ● 24 TS

Thanks to DATBooster and hard work, I was able to tackle every single question with confidence in my exam.

Since this was my second DAT, I was looking for a resource that was both representative of the exam and more challenging. When I took the free practice tests provided by DATBooster, I immediately knew I would be using this resource to study. While the format of DATBooster was incredibly similar to the real DAT, the level of difficulty was higher. This challenged me to learn the information in detail and exposed me to all kinds of topics I could possibly encounter. I only had one month to study, so I maximized my time as much as possible.

My favorite thing about DATBooster was the practice tests as well as the video solutions. In sections such as Quantitative Reasoning, multiple ways of solving the problems are often provided. I loved that aspect of the practice I found here because it allowed me to find what worked best for my way of learning.

I am particularly proud of my total science score as well as the Quantitative Reasoning. Thanks to DATBooster and hard work, I was able to tackle every single question with confidence in my exam. I highly recommend this program and wish all future DAT test takers the best of luck.

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Booster Prep
DATBooster is the #1 study tool for the DAT and contains everything you need to prepare for the DAT. See why DATBooster is used by most pre-dental students.