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25 September, 2023

Testimonial of Shyam Patel

Storyteller Shyam Patel
Shyam Patel
390 AA ● 400 TS

I would absolutely attribute a lot to OATBooster in achieving the score that I got on my OAT!

OATBooster made it easier for me to plan how to study for the OAT. With different components like videos for the various components tested with practice problems associated with them, in-depth study notes, and timed and untimed practice tests, OATBooster allowed me to work at my own pace while studying with many options. The explanations for each answer choice helped to solidify and reinforce concepts I struggled with the most.

After taking the OAT, I realized how similar many of the practice questions were to the OATBooster questions, and with how many practice tests/questions OATBooster provides, it is definitely worth it to do it all. Overall, OATBooster provides resources of many types that make it convenient for many study styles, one of which will suit you. I would absolutely attribute a lot to OATBooster in achieving the score that I got on my OAT!

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Author OATBooster
Booster Prep
OATBooster is the #1 study tool for the OAT and contains everything you need to prepare for the OAT. See why OATBooster is used by most pre-optometry students.