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26 July, 2024

Free Casper Test Resources (2024)

The Casper test is required by many professional schools for their admissions process. In this article, we will discuss how to access free resources for the Casper test.
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The Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics (Casper) test is a virtual exam required by many professional schools for admission. This includes programs such as optometry, dentistry, physician’s assistant, physiotherapy, and medical schools. During the exam, you are presented with various scenarios or prompts, and must respond to them in the form of a timed text or video recording response. Depending on the school and program you apply for, the Casper test score will be weighed differently in the admission process. However, it is still an important part of your application so maximizing your performance will likely help with your chances of admission.

The Casper test spans about 2 hours and is made up of 2 sections: 1 for typed text responses and 1 for recorded video responses. There are 15 scenarios in total, each with 3 corresponding questions. In terms of marking, different evaluators will assign each scenario an overall mark out of 9, and you will receive a quartile score a month later. For more information on the structure of the exam, what to expect during the test and Casper test scoring, read our articles on What to Expect on Casper Test Day? and How Is the Casper Test Scored. The questions on the Casper test are based around various situations and ethical dilemmas, as they are designed to measure your situational judgment and evaluating your personal characteristics (professionalism, ethics, critical thinking, communication skills, and personal empathy). Therefore, the questions can be harder to prepare for, as they require critical thinking as opposed to active recall. However, there are many resources available online to adequately prepare you for the exam. In this article, we will discuss 10 free practice resources and other supplementary materials to help you ace the Casper test.

Practice Resources

1. CasperBooster

Casper Booster is an online platform that comes with practice scenarios and questions, as well as an AI component that provides almost immediate, comprehensive feedback on your responses. At the same time, you can also request for manual grading from the Casper Booster team. For more support and supplemental learning, it also comes with a study schedule and notes on various situational topics, along with a question bank to review your understanding. The membership is free, but you can upgrade to a premium membership for $299 USD. The premium membership lasts 45 days, and involves unlimited access to Casper Booster AI, unlimited and faster manual feedback, and access to more practice questions.

2. Altus

Altus is the official website that hosts the Casper test. It comes with 3 sample scenarios with 3 practice questions each, as well as a full-length 14-scenario sample test. If you do not use any other prep material, this would be a great resource to practice with at the very least. Because this is the official website, not only will the practice questions most closely resemble the real exam, but you will also get a preview of the testing platform and logistics.

3. PrepMatch

PrepMatch is another prep site that comes with many practice questions. However, what sets this one apart is that applicants can post their answers to the practice questions, and rate other applicant’s answers – this provides more flexibility for practice and is mutually beneficial for all applicants.

4. BeMo Academic Consulting

BeMo Academic Consulting is a platform that provides support for many pre-health professions. In terms of preparation for the Casper test, they have 5 sample questions that come with detailed sample answers, as well as 15 additional questions to practice with. Additionally, they also offer a free strategy call if anyone is seeking extra support.

5. Master Student

This is another website with support for pre-health professions. In addition to support for the Casper test, they also offer prep material for standardized tests (DAT, MCAT and OAT). Master Student offers 3 timed practice tests that require typed responses, which is a good simulation of the real time constraint on the Casper test.

6. Youthfully

Similar to the last few resources, Youthfully offers 4 sample scenarios (with 3 questions each) with detailed sample answers, as well as 5 extra practice questions. This would be a great place to get some extra practice.

7. iPrep

iPrep offers 3 practice scenarios (each with 3 questions) but unlike the other resources, it also offers 2 practice video scenarios. There are also sample responses for each question, which you can compare to your own response for feedback.

8. BlackStone Tutors

BlackStone Tutors offers support for pre-health professions by providing prep material for various standardized tests (UCAT, BMAT, TSA) and interviews (general interviews and MMI-format interviews). For the Casper test in particular, the website offers 3 sample scenarios with detailed sample answers for all of the questions.

9. I Got In

I Got In offers pre-application planning and application support for different pre-health professions (medicine, dentistry and residency). For the Casper test, they have taken 3 of the sample scenarios and corresponding questions provided by Altus, and typed up sample responses to the questions. As the Altus website does not offer sample answers to their questions, this would be a good way to get feedback on your own answers to the provided questions.

10. Astroff

Astroff offers sample 10 Casper scenarios, as well as an exercise to help you prepare for the more descriptive, self-reflective questions on the exam. For a fee, you can also sign up for coaching and scoring sessions with a Casper test expert.

Supplementary Materials

1. Ethics in Medicine

The University of Washington Department of Bioethics and Humanities provides a set of articles on various bioethics topics, such as confidentially, breaking bad news, and physician-patient relationships. These readings provide insight on how to deal with certain situations, especially ones that involve tough decisions and ethical reasoning. There is also a focus on topics such as equity, diversity and inclusion, which can help provide a stronger foundation as you move forward in preparing for the Casper test.

2. Type Racer

Type Racer is one of many online applications for typing practice. On the Casper test, the written response section requires you to answer 3 questions pertaining to a scenario in 5 minutes. This is a tight time constraint, so you want to spend some time increasing your typing rate of words-per-minute so that you can comfortably express yourself clearly and accurately in the exam without having to worry about typos or lack of clarity.

3. Extra Practice Questions

Shemmassian Academic Consulting is a company that focusses on helping students with admissions into college and healthcare professions. They have a Casper preparation course that you can enroll in for fee, but they have also posted a free video with 3 practice scenarios and a detailed walkthrough of their sample answers. For those that are more auditory learners, this walkthrough may be especially beneficial for you instead of having to read the sample answers from other websites.

4. How to Break Tough News

This video by FrontLine Communicat demonstrates how to break tough news to a patient. Communication is very important, especially in the healthcare setting, and is one of the main skills assessed on the Casper test.

5. How to Show Empathy

This is a good video by Chad Littlefield on communication – in particular, showing empathy. This skill is also assessed on the Casper test, as showing empathy to your patients in the healthcare field is very important in facilitating a safe environment and providing patient-centred care.

6. How to Actively Listen

Lastly, this article by the British Heart Foundation is a good read. A big part of effective communication is listening actively, so this article provides some tips on improving that skill. The website also has other great articles that would be worth taking a look at.    


The Casper test is an important metric for admission into graduate programs and as you can see, there are many resources available for you to use! The test is challenging and you will be tight on time, so definitely give the resources a look to best prepare yourself for the exam. Hopefully this breakdown of resources is helpful and will give you some extra practice to ace the test. Good luck!

For more information on the Casper test, check out our other articles on: What Is the Casper Test, What Schools Require the Casper Test, How to Prepare for the Casper Test, How Long Does It Take to Prepare for the Casper, What to Expect on Casper Test Day, How Much to Write in a Casper Response, and How to Prepare for the Casper Snapshot. If you have already taken the test and did not do as well as you had hoped, it is okay if you need to retake it. We have articles on What Does a Bad Casper Score Mean? and How to Improve your Casper Test Score – feel free to give them a read as well!