Can INBDEBooster be used to prepare for the NDEB?
In short, the answer is yes! INBDEBooster contains helpful resources that can be used for both the NDEB and the INBDE. In fact, INBDEBooster is proudly created by the founders of DATCrusher™, the largest Canadian DAT platform used by 90% of Canadians. If you’ve prepared for the Canadian DAT in the past 7 years, you’ve likely heard or used DATCrusher. Now that we’ve helped you get into dental school, we’re here to help you on the last stretch of your journey to becoming a dentist.
To ensure INBDEBooster contains helpful material you need to prepare for the NDEB, our team created content around the blueprint provided by the National Dental Examining Board of Canada. If you take a close look, the topics tested on the NDEB closely resemble the topics tested on the INDEB and is why INBDEBooster will help you in your preparations. This article will go into an in-depth analysis between the similarities and differences of both exams, and we will also display how INBDEBooster covers virtually all topics tested on the NBDE. Furthermore, our team has already begun releasing NDEB question banks to help you prepare.
Similarities of the NDEB Topics and Topics covered on INBDEBooster
Both exams are pass/fail and require a standard of 75 to pass. Below is a chart listing the topics that are tested on the NDEB, you will find the corresponding INBDEBooster topics that cover each respective section
What are the differences between the NDEB and INBDE?
The NDEB is a one-day written exam consisting of two separate sections of 150 questions each. On the other hand, INBDE is a computer-based exam that is divided into two days with 360 questions on the first day and 140 questions on the second day.
What resources does INBDEBooster offer?
INBDEBooster offers the following study materials that can help you on the Canadian NDEB:
Now that you’ve learned about INBDEBooster, feel free to click here to register for a free account and get started.