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25 September, 2023

Testimonial of Savannah Lodwick

Storyteller Savannah Lodwick
Savannah Lodwick
340 AA ● 320 TS

Overall, I couldn’t recommend OATBooster enough, it helped me stay on track during the busiest months of my life and do well enough on the OAT to round out my application.

My name is Savannah Lodwick. I graduated from undergrad in December 2020 and recently graduated with my Master’s in Public Health this Spring of 2022. I recently took my OAT and scored 60 points higher than my first practice test after using OATBooster. I subscribed to OATBooster for three months and used the 10-week schedule recommended on OATBooster. I originally began studying with a Kaplan book, but I didn’t find reading alone to be enough to learn the information needed for the OAT. After a quick Reddit search, I found that a lot of pre-optometry students recommended OATBooster, and my mind was made up!

During this several-month period, I was working full-time and finishing up graduate school, but the schedule and materials on OATBooster helped me stay on track and increase my knowledge and score for the OAT. Their videos, readings, practice problems, and practice tests were so beneficial and prepared me to score 340 AA and 320 TS.

I was worried about how I would do on the OAT because I had previously taken the MCAT twice and didn’t do very well. I tried studying this time by focusing on videos and drawing out biological and organic chemistry processes. I found that my undergraduate education on organic chemistry was lacking, and the videos and notes in OATBooster helped me catch up. I would recommend it to anyone who is trying to solidify their chances of getting into optometry school. My GPA for both undergrad and masters was high, and my community involvement in undergrad was also high. Still, I was worried about rounding out my application with a standardized test. OATBooster helped me feel more confident in my ability to test well on a standardized test, as well as gave me the knowledge I’d need to score well. The only part of the OATBooster recommended schedule that I did not follow was taking all the practice exams. I probably took six practice exams because I began to feel burnt out from other responsibilities that I had at the time.

I found that OATBooster, along with providing well-rounded material and many ways to learn it, their practice problems were more challenging than the actual OAT. This, in my opinion, was a good thing because it prepared you for challenging materials that could appear, but also allowed for testing of basic concepts needed to succeed on the OAT. Overall, I couldn’t recommend OATBooster enough, it helped me stay on track during the busiest months of my life and do well enough on the OAT to round out my application.

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Author OATBooster
Booster Prep
OATBooster is the #1 study tool for the OAT and contains everything you need to prepare for the OAT. See why OATBooster is used by most pre-optometry students.