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3 September, 2024

Testimonial of Paige Progansky

Storyteller Paige Progansky
Paige Progansky
360 AA ● 370 TS

 I could not be more grateful for OATBooster and I cannot recommend the program enough to incoming optometry students!

The process of applying to a graduate level program is stressful and daunting, but being able to take advantage of the resources and support offered by OATBooster eased my stress going into the test, and prepared me to achieve a score that allowed me to be the driver in the decision of how and where I will spend the next four years of my education. For me, the hardest part when studying for a long test with many different subjects is starting the process. Taking the first step, making a study plan and schedule that would prepare me in a predetermined time frame, was daunting and made me procrastinate my studying. Thankfully, once I found OATBooster, I did not have to worry about any of these concerns. The variety of detailed study plans of different lengths from OATBooster allowed me to make a schedule tailored exactly to my needs. As someone who thrives and finds comfort in structure, I knew OATBooster was the program for me, and I could not be more grateful that I used this program to prepare myself for the OAT. During my studying I took full advantages of the videos, study sheets, practice problems, and full length exams provided to me. The variety of material offered by OATBooster also helped to create a dynamic study plan that kept me motivated and interested in what I was learning.

I set a high goal for myself going into the OAT. I heard from many current optometry students and doctors of optometry that the hardest part of the application process was getting an interview because this was mainly determined by GPA, OAT score, and experience, not necessarily personality or passion for optometry. Because of this, wanted to achieve a score that would make me a competitive applicant. Even though my goals were high, I achieved an even better score than I could have hoped for, surpassing all my expectations for myself. Thanks to OATBooster and the hard work I put into my studying, I was accepted with scholarship to all of the schools I applied to.

Table of Contents
Storyteller Paige Progansky
Booster Prep
OATBooster is the #1 study tool for the OAT and contains everything you need to prepare for the OAT. See why OATBooster is used by most pre-optometry students.