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BlogStudy Guides
11 March, 2024

Getting Started With Anki

The INBDE is a standardized exam to obtain licensure and practice dentistry in the US. In this video, we will discuss how to setup Anki to ace your exam!
Storyteller INBDEBooster
Booster Prep

What is Anki and why should you use it for the INBDE?

Anki is an open-source flashcard software that utilizes the principles of spaced repetition and active recall to maximize study efficacy. Incorporating Anki into your daily schedule will bring your learning to new heights.

As stated before, Anki utilizes the principles of spaced repetition and active recall — two of the most effective learning strategies. Essentially, you make flashcards and the program then tells you which cards to answer (active recall). Now here is where the magic of Anki comes into play. When you answer a flashcard, you indicate if the card was Easy, Medium, or Hard in difficulty; depending on your answer, you will see the card sooner (the harder it was) or later (the easier it was) — i.e., spaced repetition. With this program, you have off-loaded the questions “what will I study” and “when will I study it” to an algorithm designed to optimize building long-term memory.

Below is a video to help you get started with using Anki.


Storyteller INBDEBooster
Booster Prep